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Boards who commit to a regular evaluation process find benefits across these levels in terms of improved leadership, greater clarity of roles and responsibilities, improved teamwork, greater accountability, better decision-making, improved communication and more efficient board operations.       Board Effectiveness Series Collection Board Effectiveness Series Part 3 – How to get the most out of an Evaluation   Board Effectiveness Series Part 2.3 – What is Evaluated: Power Board Effectiveness Series Part 2.2
We recently conducted a survey to find out changes organisations hoped to see due to Covid-19. We asked the question “Following the Pandemic, what do you hope would be the biggest change to your organisation?” The responses were as follows: – 18% voted for an Agile Culture, 27% voted for Digital Transformation, 55% voted for both answers. Below are comments from respondents Digital transformation has become the biggest response to Covid-19. A lot of organisations
We recently conducted a survey to find out which business areas has organisation adopted digital technologies the most. We asked the question “Covid-19 has speeded the adoption of digital technologies. Which of the following has your organisation increased the use of technology?” The voting options were as follows: – Remote working, Online Marketing, Business Operations, Decision making process. 100% voted for remote working. Below are comments from respondents Covid-19 has definitely increased the use of
We recently conducted a survey to find out if a more capable workforce creates more resilient companies. We asked the question “COVID-19 crisis has reminded business leaders that a more capable workforce creates more resilient companies. How true is this statement?” The responses were as follows: – 92% said True, 0% said Not True, 8% was Neutral. Below are comments from respondents Covid-19 has indeed distorted the way businesses operate. Companies are made of rules
Survey: Are CEOs hired externally more productive than those hired from within the organisation? We recently conducted a survey to find out if CEOs hired externally are more productive than those hired internally. We asked the question “Do CEOs hired externally move with more boldness and speed than those who are hired within the organisation (internal promotion)?” The responses were as follows: – 64% said Yes, 14% said No, 21% responded with Sometimes. Below are

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